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    Jun 23, 2014

    Blog Tour Round Up

    Blog Tour Round Up of Favorite Recipe | by Life Tastes Good #RoundUp #FavoriteRecipes
    No SOUP RECIPE for YOU! Not today! This post is dedicated to my writing process, what-ever that is, and will also take you on a delicious culinary tour of just a few of my favorite blogs.

    I couldn't possibly list all of my favorites, as there are so many wonderful food bloggers! It was difficult to narrow it down to just three!

    I've also included a couple of my favorite picks from each of these blogs, so be sure to check those out and add them to your to-do list! You'll be glad you did!

    Last week my foodie friend Erica, of Erica's Recipes, invited me to participate in this tour. Not long ago I found Erica's Recipes online and was drawn in by the beautiful food photography. I so enjoy reading her posts and drooling over the stunning food porn! Just take a look at this Kahlua Toffee Cheesecake! How gorgeous is that? I was blown away when she included me in her blog tour! What an honor! Thanks, Erica!

    On with the tour! First up I'll start with attempting to answer a few questions about my writing process, and then I'll share with you 3 bloggers who have inspired and supported me along my journey in the world of food blogging.

    1. On what am I currently working? 

    Currently I have several recipes scheduled and ready to go throughout the months of June and July, and I have about 15 other recipes that are in the works. Some have already been developed and photographed, but I need to get them written and scheduled, while others are just notes waiting to be developed and tested. Some will make the cut and others will not. The majority of my posts are recipes, but I also blog about things I love such as my best little housework helper, Roomba or my favorite city, Savannah. I often share "Sneak Peeks" of my upcoming posts on my Social Media. I get excited (or impatient as Don would say) and just can't wait to share, so I post those "Sneak Peeks" quite often on Facebook or Instagram :)

    2. How does my work differ from others in my genre?

    This is a difficult question to answer. As I mentioned in my First Blog Post, I started this blog as a mom who suddenly found herself with an 'empty nest', and I didn't know what to do. I had my job, but I was completely lost. I found myself in the kitchen more and more and sharing recipes on my personal Facebook page when my friend, Linda of Lime In The Coconut, suggested I start a blog. I took her suggestion and did very little research and thought, "sure, why not, I can do this!" and I jumped in with both feet! Completely clueless! It didn't matter though, this was a place where I could gather my thoughts. My blog was, and still is, therapeutic. I also love the idea that our daughter can access it from anywhere life takes her. So I guess my blog is very much all about me...self-centered much? It is full of things I love. I will only share recipes I enjoy, and I'll bore you to tears talking about my family.

    3. Why do I write what I do?

    As I mentioned above it's all about me <grin>, but I also hope to inspire you to prepare meals at home with your family using fresh ingredients. Once you get in the habit of preparing simple, fresh meals at home you'll save time (yes you will!) and money, eat healthier, and experience wonderful new flavors!! It's a win-win!!

    4. How does my writing process work?

    Wellllll, I have a confession to make...I am not really a 'writer'. In school when there was a paper to write you'd find me in the library paraphrasing the encyclopedia...usually at the last minute. I'm dating myself, I know, but it's sadly true. I did not like to write! At all!! So I am more shocked than anyone to find myself writing THIS much and liking it too!! However, putting my teenage plagiarism aside, I guess you could say I just write from the heart. I definitely cook first and then write, letting the recipe be my biggest inspiration.

    Enough about moi, allow me to introduce you to three fabulous bloggers....

    The Life and Loves of Grumpy's Honeybunch: I loved that name from the first time I saw it, but I love it even more now that I have gotten to know Shelby and her Grumpy. Shelby has been blogging much longer than I, and I have learned so much from her! She has an extensive database of delicious recipes such as her Sweet Chili Lime Chicken with Cilantro Couscous and her most recent recipe for MoonShine Cherry Cupcakes! Her Moonshine Cherry Cupcakes are part of the #YoungAndHungry Blogger Challenge! Shelby was one of just forty bloggers chosen to participate in this challenge!! How exciting is that? She's a celebrity! Voting has ended now :)

    #YoungAndHungry Blogger Challenge | Vote for Shelby!

    Renee's Kitchen Adventures: Renee is a very talented home cook who can take just about any recipe and make it figure friendly! Seriously! She even found a way to make Fudgy Brownies good for you, and her SmokeHouse Burger looks positively dangerous, but it is just 7 Weight Watcher points! Renee includes nutritional information for her recipes, so you know just what you are getting into! I have made several of her recipes and even reviewed a couple of them on my blog. Check out how much I love her Manicotti as well as her Turkey and Zucchini Enchiladas!!

    Flavor Mosaic: Michele has a gorgeous blog! You will get lost in her beautiful food porn and creative use of flavors! Although, Michele has only been blogging for about a year, she is very knowledgable and has taught me so much! I am so appreciative of her knowledge and her friendship, as well as her Buffalo Chicken Jalapeno Popper Pizza!! Madison made that for us one night, and we gobbled it up!! You have to try it!! I also love Michele's stunning Spinach Strawberry Champagne Salad. Just about the prettiest salad ever and perfectly refreshing for summer!! 

    So there you have it! A glimpse into how and why I do what I do, and some delicious recipes from just a few of the best food bloggers on the web! I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me and meeting some new friends! Thanks for hanging in there to the end!! ~Marion


    1. So glad you took the plunge, Marion!! The water is great, no?!

      1. You betcha! Thank you, again, for the encouragement!

    2. I LOVE it Marion!! Such great bloggers too - Thanks so much! We have so much in common :) Where you say about letting the recipe be your biggest inspiration - that's how it is for me too. Whether you accept it or not, you clearly ARE a writer! This post proves it - Great post Marion!

      1. Awwwwwwwe....thanks so much! and thanks again for picking me! I'm so happy I did this post. I kept putting it off, because I was having a difficult time answering those darn questions! They certainly do make ya think!! and then you end up learning a thing or two :)

    3. Love all the bloggers you have chosen too!

      1. Thanks, Michelle! It was not easy paring it down to just 3!!

    4. Awe...thanks for including me in your favs! I'm honored! This was a great post and I loved getting to know about your process!

      1. Renee, thank YOU so much for all of your encouragement and support! <3

    5. Love all the same bloggers! Your recipes always draw me in to take a closer look! Wonderful post, Marion!

      1. Thanks, Sandra!! Yours for me as well! My goodness that Giant Smores Cookie is killing me today! What a beautiful picture!!

    6. Wow, I love all the same bloggers too! <3 Neat post, thanks for sharing!

      1. Thanks, Kristin! I think it's a neat concept, and I'm so happy I was able to participate! I love paying it forward :)

    7. Great "behind the scenes" post. I felt like I got to know you better after reading it. You are not only a writer, but an excellent writer. I have always admired your writing style in addition to your beautiful photos and delicious recipes. Thanks so much for including me in your round up. I'm flattered! Thank you!

      1. You are so sweeeet! Thank you, Michele! I wouldn't have done this post without you! Your support and encouragement have helped me so much. So glad to be able to call you my friend <3

    8. LOL, you make me giggle. A celebrity eh? ;) I'm not so sure I agree with that but I'm flattered you think so! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope I win and I can say the Life and Loves of Grumpy's Honeybunch's - our life tastes good :)

      1. I hope you win too!!!! We're working on it! I look forward to voting every single day! #GetGrumpyOnTV !!

      2. Marion, you are one of the best supporters a girl could have! <3 you!!

    9. I'm a big fan of all these great foodies; thanks for highlighting their work and sharing them!


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    Thanks! I hope it's a great day!! ~Marion
